Permaculture Tool Box

I just read Beth’s post about a reference I made to permacultre and a permaculture toolbox.  She has gone off to developed her own permaculture toolbox, and I thought it was worth sharing mine.

I made this toolbox when I was teaching a permaculture design course.  I wanted to emphasis these different things we introduce on course as practical tools to be used.  I got all the participants to make their own origami tool boxes (which was fascinating to see some of them using a very different intelligence).  Inside I had cards for the different tools that I introduced like the ethics and zones.

I asked the participants to make their own cards to put it in their toolbox so they had something to take away with them.  Then whenever they did a piece of design work they could just look at the little toolbox, and critically use different tools that they had at their disposal, at different stages of the design cycle as they found appropriate.

The coloured cards you can see are element cards that are colour coded depending on whether they are a plant, animal, structure or event.

Anyone else made a permaculture design toolbox?

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