Permaculture Educational Resources: the start of a new project

For a long time I have been considering the educational resources that I use on the courses that I teach.  In particular since the Training of Teacher course I have wanted to get into re-designing them.  I have a different vision for the resources: I want them to be more effective and more beautiful.  It want them to be professional but not too slick.  Imagine if I could make them in such a way so that other trainee teachers could download and amend them… so that we could develop this bank of resources.  Sounds like a good project to me.

Last week I got in touch with David to see if we could talk about the project, and see if there was a way to work together.  He wrote back enthusiastically saying that he was thinking about doing this project as part of his diploma and had just been thinking about getting in touch with Brighton Permaculture Trust about it.  That, my friends, is timing.  He came over a few days later and we spent a couple of hours discussing the vision for the project, what was wanted, how we might do it extra.  I then found a copy of the timetable and he gave me some really useful feedback about ways to think about the hierarchy of information and how you this relates to graphic design.

I find it fascinating, while realising my limiting factors.  I don’t have some of the resources, or the knowledge, or the training, or lots of time to learn.  A challenge.

So my task is to observe the Introduction to Permaculture course with that in mind, to take photos of some of the flipcharts, things we scribble on the white board and make a note of some of the questions people ask.

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