Creating and using a virtual mood board

For over a year I have regularly been using    Pinterest, in their own words, is ‘a virtual pinboard’. I downloaded a ‘pin it’ button to added to my browser, which meant I could “pin” images and video from all over the web. I also started to follow other pinners.  I collated all these pins … Continue reading

Starting a new project: designing my autumn and winter wardrobe

A couple of weeks ago, while I was working on another project this happened: I just had a brilliant idea: to design my autumn wardrobe. That is a way that I could bring together the sewing, doing something positive about autumn, but also a whole heap of upcycling and creativity.  I would never have thought … Continue reading

Permaculture design and the sewing machine

Some of you may remember my ‘tools’ project that was part of my diploma (for those of you that don’t, read about my project here).  The aim of the project was to design …. well in hindsight… it was a little unclear.  I knew that I wanted to understand and use my sewing machine, which … Continue reading

I inspired someone to use their sewing machine!

Oh yes, I did.  This summer, I was up in London and had some time to kill between appointments.  So called up a few friends to see if anyone was around.  The second person I called was stranded at home having hurt her leg.  So I cycled over, and through chatting a bit I started … Continue reading

New project, new tool!

Material with Obama and Hilary on

Oh yes, it has been a while, but rest assured that a lot has been happening.  In particular new projects, and following up on old ones.  Bref, good stuff.  The newest and very exciting it to apply permaculture to a new tool… sounds random, so no surprise there then.  I have decided that I am … Continue reading